دات نت نیوک
   Pioneer & Dynamic In Energy Industries


FaSCADA is a windows-based process control data visualization system, developed and improving continuously by our engineering team. Now this product is the leader in the substation automation and process automation software markets.


For the better and more attractive handling of the power control system of the company developed FaSCADA as the base of its power management visualization functions. Now the substation-oriented application developed, runs controlling industrial and utility substations.
FaSCADA was the only product in the market fulfilling the rigorous needs of the MMI software development staff. So the GMW (Graphic Management under Windows) of FaSCADA is the head of substation management system improved for control and visualization of the power distribution systems.

The Features of a standard FaSCADA Application:

•    Sophisticated graphical features
•    Open interfaces for special communication interfaces
•    Easy-to-use types and genies of objects
•    High level SCADA programming language extending the internal functionality
•    Always enlarging number of connected device drivers
•    Fast data display with dynamic data optimisation
•    Statistical process control and trends
•    Scalable architecture: system resize capability without any modification in the    
     existing subsystems
•    Flexible architecture: one or multiple servers and fast data distortion
•    Redundancy in software or in system level
•    Well-documented engineering support
•    Defined security levels for different users with different privilages. No User, 
     Operator, Manager or Supervisor
•    Alarm management system

Special Adaptation to power industry:

•    Customized user interface
•    Industry-standard communication protocol (IEC60870-5-101/104, IEC 61850 SAS) 
•    Advanced log-booking system
•    Automatics in displaying and control functions (consumption-management, statistics, switching-order execution)
•    Special displaying functions and topological coloring
•    Data exchange with power application software and external databases
•    EMS/DMS
•    Load Sharing
•    Load Shedding
•    Decision Making

User interface:

•    Always available head of the screen with the most useful information and handling push-buttons
•    Several symbol-sets with customer-definable (shape, color, behavior) objects
•    Possible dynamically colored one-line diagrams (according to the preset values of voltage)
•    Manual substitution of the state of objects (proper supervision of not-controlled elements)


Built-in Substation Tasks

•    Data transmission with the substation RTU
•    Full graphic MMI
•    Alarming system
•    Data log booking system
•    Trend figures of the analog values
•    Reports
•    Energy consumption management
•    Four level password protection
•    Easy to make redundancy
•    Colored topology depending on the present voltage of the circuit
•    Alarm direction within the figures
•    Automatic execution of the pre-loaded switching order
•    Maintenance timing
•    Permission and forbidding of alarm groups
FaSCADA system is designed around the latest generation of industry-standard IT solutions without using proprietary interfaces. It is easy to implement, upgrade and operate
FaSCADA is available on multiple windows, UNIX, Linux and relational database platforms, yielding the most open automation platform available in the industry.