DOIS Software as an interface for SCADA system has been prepared for monitoring, simulation, real time and online analysis systems in the field of power transmission and sub-transmission networks of industrial plants.
The software connected to real time SCADA database and extracts the proper parameters related to operational status of power grid and then analyze them regarding error rate and time dependent status. Validated parameters then will be transferred to analytical software like DIgSILENT for further modeling, simulation and analysis.

DOIS is compatible for all known SCADA software in Iran. This software package provide online analysis and studies for Dispatching centers or industrial plant software like PN40(ABB), PSI Control, Net-Vision, KTC and etc and also industrial automation software like WinCC, SICOM, ABB(Micro SCADA), Alstom, Schneider and YOKOGAWA.
In most cases, automation software has been developed for basic functions like control and monitoring, alarm and report and etc. while the capability of analytical studies is a major feature in specially large networks. DOIS provide this capability as an separate software so it can be installed in any projects even in the networks with outdated software. Adding this features now is one on the main problems in existing dispatching centers.
Using DOIS independent software package and also power network grid’s especial updated software like DIgSILENT can manage most of problems exist in analyzing power networks.
Providing DOIS and native FaSCADA software which both developed by FASBA’s technical team can provide so many opportunity for installing automation systems in industrial plants, oil and gas fields and etc considering cyber protection and Proactive Defense requirements.
Using DOIS software an addition to modeling and simulation of power network; HMI with analytical studies provided which can improve plant operation methods.
The most applicable features of DOIS software are as below:
- Online Monitoring and HMI
- Power Management System (PMS
- Power Distribution Control System (PDCS
- Distributed Control System (DCS
- GIS integration
- Data management with single-user and multi-user databases
- Load Sharing, Unit commitment, Automatic Generation Control (AGC) and Frequency control
- Online and Adaptive Frequency/Voltage Load shedding Strategies
- Power study such as:
- State estimation
- Load flow
- Short circuit
- Motor starting
- Contingency analysis
- Voltage Stability
- Techno-economic analysis
- Dynamic Stability analysis
- Protection and Relay Coordination
- Transformers Automatic Tap adjustment
- Optimization Open Tie on Plant Distribution System
- Transformers Parallel and Change Over
- Online Performance Monitoring
- Online Reliability Assessment
- Arc flash analysis
- Cable sizing
- Power quality, harmonic and flicker analysis
- Filter analysis
- Voltage profile optimization
- Generator adequacy analysis
- Electromagnetic transient (EMT) analysis
- Intelligent and optimal Load Shedding
- Synchronizing between units and main bus ties
- Dynamic simulation of Power Plant and Refinery
Considering modular implementing and expansion capabilities of software, adding new features and especial analytical studies based on client’s request is possible also.