دات نت نیوک
   Pioneer & Dynamic In Energy Industries


Venture to say that CCSR software is one of the unique software in the world for calculating settings for a wide range of different relay types, prepared and used for power transformation/sub-transmission substations, power plants, Industrial networks and distribution networks. The software approved by Iran Gird Management Company (IGMC), the software library is continuously updated and improved by new relay types.

Note that all relay types from same category (Distance, OC,…) follow a similar protective philosophy, while setting  parameters are different from each other and needs  understanding of relay configuration, New generation of numerical relays and new abilities and also the lack of adequate knowledge by protection engineers, cause in very cases this abilities not used or used with incorrect setting. This issues cause neediness to software for smart calculation of relay setting, CCSR is prepared for this purpose.

Primary settings converted to relay settings tables in secondary and all settings for all relay protective functions calculated regarding to primary settings and setting philosophy.

Primary settings must be calculated separately and prepared for CCSR. This issue held by DPAT, other software which developed by FASBA to calculate primary settings for all kinds of relays in transmission and sub-transmission substations. 
